Revelation 3:15-16 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!
If you look at a battery for any appliance you have, you’ll see that the positive and negative posts are very far apart so that they cannot touch. If they touch there is destruction by way of explosion.
When we are HOT, on fire for God, we are not only believing and loving him, but we trust him beyond anything or anyone that we would trust on earth. We do not just believe that He can do what he say’s that He will, we are trusting that He will do that thing.
Many times we will believe God for something but we may say something to the effect of “Well, I know that He can do it, but he probably won’t do it for me.” When we do this we are mixing a positive and a negative which is a dangerous mix. Have you ever noticed that when this happens it ends up being a relatively painful experience? Not only don’t we receive what He has for us because we doubted, but we have actually allowed ourselves to become the one thing that the Lord despises and that is lukewarm. It is better to be a non believer than it is to be a believer that doubts Him. At least the non believer doesn’t know God, and never had a relationship with Him, but to have a relationship with Him and to know Him but not trust Him or doubt Him is one of the worst things a Christian can do.
I pray that you never experience being lukewarm for God, but if you ever do it can feel like nothing good will ever happen again. You begin to feel like you’ve breathed your last breath in God’s favor. Questions like “will I ever feel close to God again?” will pop into your mind. Know that this is the devil trying to gain total victory over you; it is a time when you don’t feel like praying, worshiping or doing anything to help yourself. Again this is satan trying to gain a total victory over you. It is a time when you have to force yourself to pray, to worship, and to get in the Bible and just read. It will help you to hold on until you get breakthrough. I have experienced this first hand and I never want to experience this again.
This is not to say don’t question God. Questioning God is a good thing and encouraged because when we do we’re often seeking confirmation for something he said. We have got to stop doubting the one we should believe, and we need to stop believing the one that we should doubt. Many have this backwards and in this New Year, there is no better time then the present to clean out some bad habits.
I have lost count as to how many times I have heard someone say that God said He’d do something but the person doesn’t believe it can happen for them. This is because When the Lord said He would do whatever it was; the thought process didn’t stop there. The devil sneaks right in and tells us that God won’t do what he said and sometimes we agree with that for whatever reason.
The best thing we can do is to doubt the doubter. When God say’s he’ll do something, we need to receive it and go into prayer and thanksgiving for that thing. When the devil comes lurking around trying to tell you that God can’t or won’t do what He said, just tell the devil I doubt that. If you want to confuse the devil, that’s how to do it. He’ll go off talking to other devils (can you believe that I just told this Christian that I doubted God and the Christian doubted me right back? Can he do that? That’s not fair!! Now what do I do?
Let’s start putting a hurting on the devil. Let’s start kicking him around instead of letting him run rampant in our lives.
If you look at a battery for any appliance you have, you’ll see that the positive and negative posts are very far apart so that they cannot touch. If they touch there is destruction by way of explosion.
When we are HOT, on fire for God, we are not only believing and loving him, but we trust him beyond anything or anyone that we would trust on earth. We do not just believe that He can do what he say’s that He will, we are trusting that He will do that thing.
Many times we will believe God for something but we may say something to the effect of “Well, I know that He can do it, but he probably won’t do it for me.” When we do this we are mixing a positive and a negative which is a dangerous mix. Have you ever noticed that when this happens it ends up being a relatively painful experience? Not only don’t we receive what He has for us because we doubted, but we have actually allowed ourselves to become the one thing that the Lord despises and that is lukewarm. It is better to be a non believer than it is to be a believer that doubts Him. At least the non believer doesn’t know God, and never had a relationship with Him, but to have a relationship with Him and to know Him but not trust Him or doubt Him is one of the worst things a Christian can do.
I pray that you never experience being lukewarm for God, but if you ever do it can feel like nothing good will ever happen again. You begin to feel like you’ve breathed your last breath in God’s favor. Questions like “will I ever feel close to God again?” will pop into your mind. Know that this is the devil trying to gain total victory over you; it is a time when you don’t feel like praying, worshiping or doing anything to help yourself. Again this is satan trying to gain a total victory over you. It is a time when you have to force yourself to pray, to worship, and to get in the Bible and just read. It will help you to hold on until you get breakthrough. I have experienced this first hand and I never want to experience this again.
This is not to say don’t question God. Questioning God is a good thing and encouraged because when we do we’re often seeking confirmation for something he said. We have got to stop doubting the one we should believe, and we need to stop believing the one that we should doubt. Many have this backwards and in this New Year, there is no better time then the present to clean out some bad habits.
I have lost count as to how many times I have heard someone say that God said He’d do something but the person doesn’t believe it can happen for them. This is because When the Lord said He would do whatever it was; the thought process didn’t stop there. The devil sneaks right in and tells us that God won’t do what he said and sometimes we agree with that for whatever reason.
The best thing we can do is to doubt the doubter. When God say’s he’ll do something, we need to receive it and go into prayer and thanksgiving for that thing. When the devil comes lurking around trying to tell you that God can’t or won’t do what He said, just tell the devil I doubt that. If you want to confuse the devil, that’s how to do it. He’ll go off talking to other devils (can you believe that I just told this Christian that I doubted God and the Christian doubted me right back? Can he do that? That’s not fair!! Now what do I do?
Let’s start putting a hurting on the devil. Let’s start kicking him around instead of letting him run rampant in our lives.
Lord God I thank you for this message. I thank you God for reigniting the fire within my spirit for you. I pray father that with the wisdom I have gained from the difficult times I’ve experienced, that you would send me to those that are experiencing a dark time in their lives, so that I could impart the peace and love that you have so generously given to me, into them. Father God I’m asking for a special blessing for all of the readers of this blog, that they and their families would experience your supernatural love, favor and compassion all through 2007. May this year be the year of revival fire here in the United States!
I ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ.
God Bless You All
“The Sharpshooter”