This morning I turned on the television and it was already tuned to a news channel. On this channel there was a special remembrance ceremony going on for all of those who lost their lives on this day in 2001. The lost were remembered, those left behind were allowed opportunity to grieve their loss and speak about their loved ones. It was a moment for all of us to refresh our memories and “NEVER FORGET” what took place on September 11th 2001.
As I watched this though, one of the television cameras panned the crowd and focused for a second on this man holding up a picture of his brother. On the picture were the words “You live in our hearts”! This single moment struck my spirit in a way that nothing else in recent memory could have. That one phrase was a wink from God reminding me of something. Do we have Jesus living in our hearts as much as we have the pain of what happened to our nation living there?
As we remember the loss that was suffered on September 11, 2001. We should remember even more what took place on a cross at Calvary. The event that changed you and me forever took place. The event that should be the most significant event in all of history took place. Jesus Christ, the only son of God the father was crucified. He did this voluntarily as he knew that he had to do this. He was born for this moment. To die for our sins, and in doing so, wash our spirits clean in the process. This one act of selflessness gave all of mankind the opportunity to have fellowship with God the father again. No longer were animal sacrifices necessary. God sent his own son to die as the PERFECT sacrifice.
Luke 14:25-26 (The Message) say’s. One day when large groups of people were walking along with him, Jesus turned and told them, "Anyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters—yes, even one's own self!—can't be my disciple”. We are to love the Lord with all our hearts, all of our minds and all of our strength. We are to cling to Jesus and let go of the things of this world.
My children were only six years old when I began to teach this lesson to them. It was a hard lesson for them to swallow at that time. However at only age 9 ½, they now fully understand that they must love Jesus more than mommy or daddy, more than Grandma and Grandpa, more than their friends, teachers and cousins. I know that if something where to happen to me that caused me to die. I have no doubt that I would surely be missed and it would be sad, but I also know that my children would lean on the Lord Jesus Christ more than on their own understanding.
People ask me from time to time if I ever go to the cemetery to visit my father’s grave. Often to their surprise, I answer with this. No I don’t go there because there is nothing there. I went a few times shortly after he died in 1999, but I was just beginning my walk with Christ at that time and didn’t know what I believed or understood back then.
Many people have a tough time when it comes to this. You have to let go. If we cling to anyone or anything other than Jesus Christ, we cannot be his disciple. There are many who don’t understand this fact and it’s critical that we all do. We cannot talk to the dead. The dead cannot answer prayer. There are so many people that won’t let go. They pray to the dead as if they are as powerful as God because they died. I have a friend who lost a couple of close friends on Flight #11 on September 11th 2001. I know they are with the Lord now though, so as much as I wish that never happened, I know they are in a far better place where there is no terrorism or fear.
Let’s never forget the tragedy of September 11th but let’s make sure that no matter how much the media sensationalizes something that we never allow anything to become more important than what took place a couple thousand years ago on a cross. There is nothing in this world that deserves our attention, thought and prayer more than what Jesus Christ did for us on that day.
Father I pray right now for the families and friends of those that lost loved ones on September 11th 2001. I pray that they would find your peace which surpasses all of our understanding. I pray Lord that they would come to know you more and that their lives would be filled with the joy of knowing you. I pray that they would let go of the things of this world and cling to the things of God. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen
May the grace of god be with you always!

"The Sharpshooter”