***NOTE*** God spoke to me on 11/24/05 and told me to write this so that WE could right this.
Each year on the 25th of December, Christians celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we call it Christmas. It is also a secular holiday that was made a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1870 by President Ulysses S. Grant. The secularists are the ones who created Santa Claus and the exchanging of presents, but this secular tradition has nothing to do Jesus Christ. Christians also exchange gifts, but Jesus is always the focal point of this day. The gift giving and family time are all secondary things, a tradition that man created. Man has since made many modifications to Christmas and none of them have been good.
Where did Xmas come from? Some transliterations of Greek spell Christos (or Kristos) as Xristos. The "X" stood in for Christos. It was originally considered to be a perfectly respectful abbreviation, especially as it included a form of the cross in the shape of the "X". Despite popular belief, it was not an attempt to remove Christ’s name from Christmas. More recently however the use of "X" has been associated with irreverent commercialism, leading to the saying "Put the 'Christ' back into Xmas."
Christmas became Xmas and much of the focus went to the gift giving and other secular traditions instead of recognizing the gift God gave to us and Christmas was allowed to dissolve into a non Christian sensitive “Happy Holiday’s” and “Seasons Greetings: This has been allowed to happen for so long now that many stores and businesses will not allow their employees to use the word Christmas anymore. It’s all about not wanting to offend non Christians, but I guess it seemed ok to offend those that were Christians in the process. If there were no Christmas, these businesses would have about 30% less revenue. They don’t want to say the word Christmas yet their customers don’t go Holiday shopping, they go Christmas shopping. Unless Christians stand up and speak up, the next thing I fear we’ll see is a law abolishing Christmas. This is all because a few non Christians had the boldness that many Christians did not have. These are the same people that want God out of our government buildings and off of our currency which I wrote about recently. How far has our affection for Jesus waned, that we allow people to do this to Christianity as easily as we do.
God is not happy that this is tolerated by us. We must look like hypocrites in his eyes. We profess our love for him and our desire to be closer to him in the privacy of our churches or in our homes but in public; few Christians are speaking up defending the name of Jesus when these people come against it. Satan is always behind this; his influence on people that have no foundation with God is huge. He gets in the heads of these people and they do exactly what he asks. We all know that those who come against God will pay a price for doing that, but won’t we also pay a price for standing by idly while this was happening?
A fresh breath needs to be breathed into Christianity and more voices need to be heard to reinvigorate Christianity. We need to mount up and be suited up in God’s Armor.
Ephesians 6:14-18 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.
We need to jealously guard our excitement in our spiritual walks. We need to stop letting people take cheap shots at our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I doubt that we would allow people talk about our mothers the way we allow people to talk about Jesus. He’s been more protective of us than our mothers ever could have been. We now need to protect and take back what the thief stole from us while we weren’t paying attention. Last but by no means least; we need to put Christ back into Christmas and stop being so politically correct. It’s time we become politically incorrect and do the righteous Godly thing.
Let us pray:
Dear God: I pray that you would be with us all during this time as we work to improve ourselves and bring the importance of this day back to you Jesus. May we all walk in the light of your love and may that light beam from each of us into the hearts and souls of other believers and non believers alike, so that they might have a divine encounter with you Father. I pray that you would breathe a fresh breath into the souls of all Christians God, so that they would remember and reclaim the power and authority that they may have forgotten they had. Lord God, we need for you to once again send your holy fire down onto us so that we get fired up anew, so that we can break the strongholds that are in place and reclaim what’s been taken from us. Father I ask for your forgiveness for allowing others to make us stumble when we should have been standing on the rock of your salvation.
I ask this in Jesus name Amen
God Bless You All
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