Over the past several years, the Anti-Christian sentiment in the United States and the world has grown and with the power of the Internet, these unbelievers are spreading their propaganda like wild fire. I’ve seen so much of this that most of it can simply be summed up as “Anger Campaigns.” They are angry at God for something man has done. Its people that hurt other people and my father once said something that has stuck in my head since I heard it and that was, “Only hurt people hurt.”
These people have their reasons for feeling the way they do, but their anger should be at people or religion, not at God. Some have been hurt by a church leader or someone in the church body, and then there are those that have become very discouraged with all of the different religious factions claiming that their way is the right way, just to name a couple. Most of us know someone that has turned away from God because of pain or disappointment, but when they turn away from God it is because they have been sold a lie, something like, “If God really loved you, he never would have allowed this to happen to you.” At that moment the hurt person is so vulnerable that they believe it because it goes right along with how they already feel. The devil isn’t that smart, he’s just a really good opportunist.
Satan has been trying to destroy the cause of God since the day’s when Adam & Eve walked the earth, by using a snake to lie to Eve regarding the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 3:4-5 (The Message) the serpent told the Woman, "You won't die. God knows that the moment you eat from that tree, you'll see what's really going on. You'll be just like God, knowing everything, ranging all the way from good to evil." Today he uses anyone and anything that’s available. His commentaries are heard by millions who will hang on his persuasive propaganda. The content as well as the form of his speech will attract, he will even be sincere and passionate, but he is a liar. He’ll add dashes of truth to the mix of things he tells people, so that his lie sounds like truth. He will use all the right catchwords, even using the language of the church, throwing in a Bible text or two. But he is the ultimate Liar, and he will deceive many.
The devil knows that to attack the Church is to attack Jesus and to do damage to the body of Christ is to inflict damage upon Christ. He also knows that, because the members of the church are the chosen of God, eternally loved by God. To destroy them is equivalent to defeating God. So the objects of his fury are the men and women of God. The Anti Christian sentiment continues to grow because it is so hard for people to look to the light of Christ when there is so much darkness and despair in their lives and Satan is taking the opportunity right when they are the most vulnerable, saying things that are very believable at that moment. We need to love on these people with extra care, compassion and understanding. We need to teach all of those that don’t know the truth that Jesus Christ came for relationships not religion. Man created religion, Jesus did not. Jesus loves each and every one of us, but requires that we go to him. We have to make the decision to call on Jesus for help because we were given a free will.
This is the message that the lost ones need to hear. They need to know that Jesus loves them right where they’re at in life. He may not love what they’re doing, but he certainly does love them and they need to know that. Through the delivery of this message maybe some will get their deliverance from the evil one who has stolen all the happiness in their lives. Let us always remember even in our darkest hours that Satan will always take even the smallest opening to influence us when we are hurting, desperate, or in a weakened state. He'll twist our perception when we're not focused on God, and sell us the lie that satisfying our own desires and pleasing ourselves is the way to go. Once he has had the opportunity to get into a persons heart, it is that much harder to bring them back to God, but when we win one back for Jesus the victory in seeing that persons life change before our eye’s is sweeter than anything else in this world.
Though it is true that we are all responsible for our own spiritual walk and that we're not responsible for anyone else's. We do owe each person the opportunity to have a divine encounter with God. What they do from there is totally up to them. We can only sow good seed and pray that the seed grows into a great tree of faith and love and bears great fruit. The people that have turned their backs on God are the ones we need to be the most sensitive to and understanding with. This is where we get to practice the love, compassion and understanding that we preach. We can lead these people back to God and there's absolutely no doubt about that. It just has to be handled in a non threatening understanding way though, they have been hurt enough. We need for them to see Jesus in us and love them as Jesus does, right where they're at.
Please pray this with me.
I thank you Father, for loving us and protecting us from all evil. Thank you for giving us the caring hearts to help others, and God I thank you mostly for the knowledge you’ve given me to help other people and the wisdom of knowing how to just plant a seed in the people that don’t want help right now, instead of passing them by. Father we can do all things in Jesus who strengthens us. May we always do our best to please you God, and to bring home the lost sheep to your flock.
I ask this in Jesus name
God Bless You All

"The SharpShooter"
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