There have been countless times that I can think of where someone (including myself) has asked God for a Divine Healing and not received one. But there are also times when a person that never even asked for a Healing, got one. This leads to a lot of confusion and questions such as “Why them and not me”? A deeper understanding of the subject is definitely needed. In the training I am going through to become a minister, this is one of the areas we have covered at length. I now have a much clearer understanding than I had before and hopefully I can impart what I’ve learned to all who read this.
There is no single answer to why believers don't get healed. Only God knows the answer to this and someday when we leave this earth to go into eternity, he may answer our questions at that time, if we still have questions then. Until that time comes, we need to be faithful and trust God's unending wisdom. The primary reasons that our prayers go unanswered are unbelief and/or lack of faith. For example, the disciples of Jesus were unable to heal a boy that was suffering from demonic seizures. Matthew 17:19-20 tells us that the disciples asked Jesus privately, "Why couldn't we cast out that demon?" "You didn't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, `Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."
There could be times when a small trace of doubt will creep into our prayers for healing. If our prayers end with "If it is Your Will God," that's not good. Praying that way exposes any unconscious doubt that God can or will heal you. Honest submission to God will is always right ("Let Your Will Be Done"), but expecting nothing to happen is doubt not submission. Other possible reasons for unanswered prayer for healing might include fear, guilt, willful disobedience, being careless in our health habits, or there might still be lessons that we need to learn before God’s healing can come. Be careful in your prayer at all times. Be steadfast, strong and be sure that your heart is true to Him, because if our hearts sway even a little bit away from God, he may not honor your prayer.
There are people today that are teaching that all sickness is caused by demons. These people then proceed to cast out the demon of arthritis, diabetes, or whatever the affliction may be. Though the New Testament does record times when demons had caused sickness or disease, which can be found in (Matthew 9:32, 17:14-18, Mark 9:20-26 and Luke 13:11-16). There are also instances where there is healing with no mention of demons or evil spirits. There is no demon mentioned in Luke 5:12-13. In one of the villages, Jesus met a man with an advanced case of leprosy. When the man saw Jesus, he fell to the ground, face down in the dust, begging to be healed. "Lord," he said, "if you want to, you can make me well again." Jesus reached out and touched the man. "I want to," he said. "Be healed!" And instantly the leprosy disappeared.
There are also Christians that have been known to do rash things, such as rejecting all medicine and help from doctors. We must never abuse the doctrine of divine healing by having a negative attitude toward medical advances that God has allowed and even guided scientists in discovering. Divine healing should not be placed in opposition to or in competition with the medical profession. Doctors have brought help to many sufferers. Today, God still performs miracles for people that doctors have declared incurable.
If it was wrong to go to doctors, why would God reward disobedience with the miracle of healing, when we go to them? God may allow his children to find health through the means of medicine or through miraculous healing, but we must avoid relying on the skill of doctors as a substitute for seeking God’s help. We should not wait until we have tried all of the doctors before we ask God to heal us. "We Must Ask God First" and then keep asking God for healing as you visit the doctors. Through it all, know that God is the only One who heals, whether through a divine touch or through the skills He has given a doctor.
Divine healing confirms Gods power and love. Its focus is Jesus Christ and the advancement of His kingdom. Jesus wants us to be healthy and free from pain, but more than that He wants us to be like him, to think like Him, and have His desires. God created us so that we might bring glory and joy to him. Until we grasp that truth and make it a practical part of our Christian walk, we run the risk of asking God for things with wrong motives. James 4:3 say’s “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures”. There is no reason to believe that asking for healing is excluded from this statement of truth. Unless our walk with God is close to His heart and His unselfish love, we may not fully understand our own motives in asking "anything" from God.
Please pray this with me.
Father, I thank you for the fact that you still perform miracles even today. Help us Lord to better understand the extensiveness of the ways you perform these miracles, that you don’t just Divinely Heal, but you use people and situations to help us with our problems. We know that to question out of lack of understanding is acceptable Father, but I ask that you would help us Lord God, to stop questioning you out of our own selfishness. I ask your forgiveness for this selfishness and that you would instill in us a better understanding that we are to come to you first in asking for healing God, but that you want for us to seek out the many resources you have given us after we ask for your help, should we not receive a Divine Healing. Lord God, I thank you for the many blessings that you have given to all of us. I pray for your forgiveness for those that don’t recognize your blessings because they don’t know you. Put those of us that know and love you God in a position to introduce you into their lives.
In Jesus name I pray
God Bless You All

“The Sharpshooter”
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