These day's life has become so stressful and difficult that we often times in our frustration, take our problems out on the people that mean the most to us. Most of us have a very supportive cast of characters that make us shine. Our spouses, family, friends, and pastors are all there to support us, but do we realize the full value these people have? In the past, I personally have made the mistake at times of not valuing the people closest to me and that is absolutely the last thing I or anyone else should want to do.
Imagine for a moment what your life would be like without your husband or wife? How would life be without your close friends being there for you? What would you do if you had no counsel with someone such as your pastor? I know that for me personally, if I did not have these people in my life, I would not be the person that I am today. I would be a lonely, depressed and misguided individual. We need to pay special attention to the people in our lives that we could not do without and appreciate them always. Giving them special honor from time to time, maybe take a moment and write them a note thanking them for the things they do that add to your life. Maybe even surprise them with flowers or take them to lunch, just because.
In valuing our family's and friendships, we are sowing and reaping. These wonderful people have sown seed in us by adding to our lives, by building us up, by supporting us and loving us. We in turn are sowing seed by honoring them and as we do, they are reaping the benefits of what they have sown. What a wonderful circle that creates. If we don't honor those that support us and make us shine, we break that circle and invite in all sorts of problems. People will feel disrespected, dishonored and worst of all like they wasted their time on us. Satan will take any opportunity we give him. If we break that circle we have created an opportunity for him to come in and wreak havoc on relationships. So to avoid this, we must always show those who have invested in us, that it was both beneficial and appreciated.
Unfortunately sometimes trouble or tragedy has to hit our lives before we realize what is really important. Times of trouble teach us about our priorities regarding our relationship with God, and our families. We need to constantly be asking ourselves if we have our priorities straight? Do we have God first, then our spouse, family, and Christian and community service? Proverbs 3:6 says, "Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track." Make a new or renewed commitment today to put God first in your life. Spend time with Him everyday in prayer and Bible reading. If you're not already an active member of a Bible-teaching church, find one today, attend regularly, and get involved. Seek to honor God in your relationships, your time, and your material resources.
Have we spent quality time building our relationships with our spouse and with our children? 1 John 3:18 says "Let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions." What are some practical ways that we can show our spouses and children (or extended family and friends, if single) that you really love them? How can you use this time now to build family relationships?
If we teach our children the proper way to treat others and how to value friends and family, we are ensuring that the circle of sowing and reaping will stay intact. God intended the home to be the seedbed of truth, the place where children and their parents were to learn, appreciate and practice the real values of life; values which can only be learned in the company of others. These values are Love and affection, Honesty, Kindness, Fairness, Sacrifice - that greatest of spiritual investments, Discipline, Thrift, Teamwork, A sense of responsibility towards others, How to live under and how to exercise authority and Good communications. These and many other values are best learned in the family circle; and God has designed it so in order that we may know how to behave towards the whole Family of Mankind of which He is the Everlasting Father. Isaiah 54:13 tells us that. "All your children will have God for their teacher, what a mentor for your children!"
Here is a great opportunity for us to affect change in our own market places. By teaching our children the values of life, how to communicate well and the value of people in their lives, we are equipping them to change the landscape around us by creating good habits. These ways of life will be normal to them and they will be so secure in themselves that when they encounter someone who is not living correctly and these people try to be a negative influence, our children will be secure enough in their knowledge that they will not sway from the truth and they will have a great opportunity to create positive change in that persons life.
Please pray this with me.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the people that you have put in our lives that build us up and strengthen and support us. Second only to you God they are very important to us being successful in our daily lives. Help us to never mistreat them and if we should make the mistake of taking our frustrations out on them, help us to be quick to apologize for our offense. I pray that our appreciation and valuing of these people would never wane. Father your word say's in 2 Corinthians 9:6 that he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows generously will also reap generously and with blessings. Help us to never allow that circle to break God. I ask for your guidance in raising our children so that they are equipped to be not just the leaders of tomorrow but leaders of lost souls.
In Jesus Name I Pray
God Bless You All

“The Sharpshooter”
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