You know those times in life when you lose communication with a friend or a family member? When this happens we'll usually think of the person occasionally but not call for whatever reason (usually it just feels awkward). Sometimes it takes a long time for us to put our egos, pride and other obstacles aside. Once we've done that we're able to get back in contact with the person we fell out of contact with. The strange thing about this is that very seldom do we actually know why we fell out of contact in the first place. We don't just do this we people. This happens between us and God and I'll go right ahead and place all of the blame on us humans, because God is perfect and none of us are.
When this communication breakdown occurs between us and God, it can happen for many different reasons. Sometimes we get ashamed at something we've done and we don't feel worthy of a relationship with God. Other times we might be mad at God for not answering prayer when WE wanted it done. Someone may have lost a loved one in an accident. Another reason is laziness and this one is probably the most common. Once we've lost communication with God many things change. Everything in our lives is drastically affected by our separation from "Our Heavenly Father". We leave the door open for satan to come in to our lives and really make a mess of things.
As Christians, we can't afford to be lazy with anything especially our relationships with God. Without him we are lost. When this communication does breakdown we need to realize it right away and pray for restoration of the relationship. If we fail to do this, time marches on and marches faster than we think. The longer we wait to fix the broken relationship with our Father, the harder it becomes to push yourself to do it. The problem at that point is on us again. All we have to do is ask for forgiveness and restoration and God will provide it, however we have the hardest time asking sometimes.
The human race is strange like that. We’ll stay in broken dysfunctional relationships that might even be abusive with other people. That’s unbelievable to me and we’ll come up with every reason imaginable for our staying in that situation. Our relationships with God and with Jesus are the healthiest relationships we have, but we take so long to fix them when something goes wrong. It’s like eating. Many people won’t touch food that has the word health associated with it, but you’ll find the same person in the local waffle house having their daily dosage of trans-fats. We don't always do whats best for ourselves.
The point here is this. At times our thinking is backwards. We will invest time in things that aren’t worth it and the things that require and deserve our utmost attention don’t always get it. We need to fix that and quickly. Whether we are ready or not Jesus Christ is coming back and soon. I know in my own heart that this is so. I don’t need someone with the gift of prophecy to tell me that one. Find your Bible, blow the dust off of it and see how much it lines up with events in the world today. I’ve asked this before and I’ll ask it again now because it IS that important.
If Jesus comes back tomorrow, are you ready. Is your soul clean? Would he know you or would he deny you? To those of you that are currently experiencing a breakdown in communication with our Lord God. Take a moment and fix things now. Ask the Lord for his forgiveness and to guide every step you take from this moment on. Then you will know that you are safe. Then once you’ve been forgiven. Tell someone else that you know needs to get right with the Lord. Save a life, Jesus saved yours.
Let us Pray.
Oh Lord God you are awesome. The grace you hand out to us is beyond our understanding. Father I thank you that you never leave us, even when we pull away from you. Lord God you could easily reward our stubbornness with punishment, but instead you say “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. Father I pray that you would forgive us for allowing our communion with you to break down. Guide our every step Lord God from this day forth. Come into our hearts and fill us anew. Father God, I pray for those that have lost contact with you, that you would send your Holy Spirit to be with them and to heal their hearts Father. May we never ever forget that our salvation is a gift from you and not something we can earn by works?
I ask this in Jesus name
God Bless You All

“The Sharpshooter”

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