Businesses that recognize V.I.P's are typically Airlines, Hotel's, Restaurant's, Limousine companies, Travel Agencies. Once you've gained V.I.P status, you receive the red carpet treatment from start to finish. In my line of work, I handle V.I.P's all day long, in all parts of the world, not directly most of the time because they're too important to speak to an average guy like me. These are the people that call and get company owners or managers on the phone to jump through hoops for them. I normally end up speaking with their administrative assistants.
Just recently I got an opportunity to experience what VIP status was all about for a day. Without getting into specifics, I'll just say that it's a marvelous thing to try. It is nice to see how the other side lives. But a lot of these people are alone traveling on business or staying at a hotel and I'd imagine that it can become a fairly lonely existence. The pampering and high end treatment no doubt helps one to deal with the loneliness but at some point in the V.I.P's day they must end up alone.
So that's the V.I.P life in a nutshell. I explained it from my perspective to get us to this point. Many a V.I.P does simply carry around a card that say's they’re a VIP. Those V.I.P's that carry Jesus with them in their hearts are obviously never alone because they have the King of Kings to commune with and here is my point. We are all V.I.P in God's Eyes. He doesn't care how much money we make, or how much we spend. You cannot buy God's love, it s a FREE gift that is given to all of us equally. In heaven there is no distinction between (actor) George Burns & a person that bagged groceries all his life. No distinction in God's eyes at all. He loves them both the same, why? Because there is no money or earthly possessions in Heaven, and those are the things that on earth determine who has what status.
Jesus would be the only V.I.P in Heaven if there were any, but because he is so generous and loving, he would put all of us before himself as he did when he was sacrificed on the cross for our sins. So whether it's a homeless person or Bill Gates, God will treat both the same. That's just a tiny example of how awesome God is to us. He doesn't have a ranking system based on what family you were born into or what status you achieved in this life. He only looks at the heart. God's value system is all about the heart.
Do we love God? Do we love others as ourselves? Do we share God's love with others? Do we help the less fortunate? When we do things are we serving God or our own desires first? These are the things he will look at to judge how we did in this life. We are all V.I.P's in his eyes, because each one of us has a signature talent or spiritual gift that is unlike that of any other person. We each have something to offer the world that someone else can't offer the exact same way. Our talents and spiritual gifts are as unique as our finger prints, no two are alike. Are we using our talents and spiritual gifts to the best of our abilities, or are we hoping that someone else will step up and answer the call so that we don't have to.
Since we are all V.I.P's in the eyes of our Heavenly Father, don't we owe it to him to step up and do everything in our power to change the world around us for the good, to always help those in need and to bring the lost back to him? It seems the least we could do for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Treat everyone you encounter as a V.I.P whether they treat you the same in return or not. Give of yourself like your giving directly to God, because ultimately you are.
Matthew 25:35-40 say's
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,
36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
37 "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?
38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?
39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
I invite you to pray this with me
Heavenly Father, I thank you Lord for counting us worthy to be called sons, daughters and friends. Thank you Lord for looking upon each of us with equal importance, for in your eyes we are all unique and each one of us is a Very Important Person to you God. My prayer this day God, is that we would all treat each other the way you treat us, with unconditional love, and without looking for what's in it for us. Lord God you do so much for us that we could never in a million lifetimes pay you back if we had to, but all you ask for is our love and obedience. For that we are very thankful Lord God. May we go out into the world and serve you the way you deserve to be served. You provide for us in ways that sometimes we can't even imagine. May we have the desire within us to serve you God, with the same love and compassion that you give to us. You are the Most Important of all
I ask this in Jesus Name
God Bless You All

The Sharpshooter"
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