FACT: Many Christian's don’t believe in miracles unless they have witnessed one.
FACT: Many Christian's would prefer to stay comfortable in their complacency instead of pushing themselves to challenge their thinking, grow their faith, and as a result experience great things.
Over the past year I have seen so much of this that at times I actually had to stop myself from looking at it as it was hindering my spiritual growth, because it’s depressing to watch. It’s really true that the people you choose to surround yourself with will have a huge influence on your life. Of course there are positives and negatives to this. If you surround yourself with people that want to ride others coat tails, or just keep things as they are because they are afraid of change, lazy or deceived. You will surely be the same way in a relatively short time, and once you’re in that way of life, it is very hard to change it. People become oppressed and often times don’t have the faith, belief or motivation to change their situations.
I have gone out of my way over the past few years to surround myself with the best people I could find. I stay away from the negativity as much as possible, it’s not productive and it’s a horrible way to exist. The people I have surrounded myself with all have things in common with me with regard to God. We all want to see more of him and less of this world. We all want his will to be done “On earth as it is in Heaven.” We want to see his miracles and blessings upon all nations in great abundance. Lastly, we all want to see revival hit our church, the country and the world.
So now having illustrated two different types of people, (those that want more of God and those that are fine with the status quo) how do we coexist and not step on one another’s toes? How do those that want to move ahead do so, while they are among people that want to stay where they’re at spiritually? The answer will sound simple but as long as we’re human it probably will never be easy. The answer is the same for those that want to experience everything that God has for us, and for those that simply go to church because they feel obligated to.
God may not be a respecter of persons, but we need to be. We need to love and respect each individual as we want to be loved and respected. If something in the spirit moves you and it doesn’t move anyone else, does that make you better? Absolutely not! It just makes you different. If something in the spirit moves somebody else and you don’t agree with it does that make you right? Absolutely not! In many ways today, we don’t honor different. We don’t always respect different and we need to. Those that want to keep church the same and never change need to honor and respect those that want to go after more of God at any cost. At the same time those that want to move ahead have to respect the positions and reasons that the others don’t want different. After all it is all about God and not about us right?
Even people from the same church worship God differently than I will. No two of us are alike. For instance, some people are more comfortable than others in a public setting and can pray and worship with such freedom that they care not if they are alone or in front of the world, they are giving praise and that’s all that matters. The person that prefers to remain quiet and pray in their own way is doing it right too and we need to be careful that we don’t start picking out trivial differences and making big issues of them. God hears all of our prayers and praise. The key here is to give God praise and thanks, it’s not how but how much.
God takes us where we're at. If we are bold, he loves bold. If we are quiet and are private in our worship, he loves that just as much. The bottom line is he loves us all equally and so we should follow his example and love everyone regardless of whether they love us back. That's not to be confused with like. You don't have to like everyone you encounter and you probably won't, but you do have to love them, Wouldn't Jesus?
Simple principles are all it takes. Matthew 7:1-5 (The Message Bible) offers us “A Simple Guide for Behavior”
1 “Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, and criticize their faults--unless, of course, you want the same treatment.
2 That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging. 3 It’s easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. 4 Do you have the nerve to say, "Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt 5 It’s this whole traveling road-show mentality all over again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face, and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.
I invite you to pray this with me
Dear God, I ask for your forgiveness Lord for ever judging anybody else for how they chose to give you praise. Lord, help me to see the errors in the things I do. I ask for your help Father in forgiving those that have come against me or people that I know. Lord God, we just want to worship you and give you praise, and we have to realize, respect and appreciate that all Christians will do that a little differently. You love us all not based on how well we pray. You care simply that we do pray, that we do worship you and give you all the glory. Thank you for you graces Lord God. I ask now Lord that you would bring peace and unity to those that don’t have peace in their lives. May they come to know you more and more!
I ask this in Jesus name
God Bless You All

"The Sharpshooter"
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