There are many Christians that don't realize how much God has placed in their spiritual bank accounts. We can experience spiritual malnutrition because we have not taken advantage of the great storehouse of spiritual nourishment and resources at our disposal. For example, we will pray for things God has already given us. We will ask God to give us more power, yet 2 Peter 1:3 says, As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life. He has called us to receive his own glory and goodness! Or maybe we will pray for peace, when Jesus said in John 14:27, "I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid." It is not that we need more, as much as we simply need to utilize what we already have.
The apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 1:3, "How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we belong to Christ." Paul was seeking to convey that in Christ, we have every thing we need. We are never lacking in spiritual resources. No Christian has to be spiritually deprived, undernourished, or impoverished, because God's heavenly bank account has no limitations or restrictions. His resources are more than adequate to cover the cost of all of our past debts, our present liabilities, and our future needs. Christians live in two dimensions. First, there is the spiritual dimension. As we walk in the Spirit, we know God in the Spirit. Yet we live on Earth. Therefore, we need to transfer what we have in the spiritual realm to the earthly realm.
Christians have resources in heaven that God wants us to start utilizing here. Some of us need to stop living like spiritual paupers and start laying hold of the resources that are available. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have been made "accepted in the beloved". Because of our relationship with Christ, we have God's approval. It isn't necessary to earn it. We are loved by God. We are called by God. As believers, we don't need to doubt our salvation and feel beaten and defeated and unworthy. It is not about being worthy. Rather, it is about Jesus and what He has done for us. We need to understand that and then let it impact the way that we live.
Each of us has been predestined by God to discover His purpose and plan for us, glorifying Him with our lives, with our gifts, and with our talents. Are you utilizing what God has given you? Do you possess your spiritual possessions? If not, you can start doing so today.
I recently heard Bill Johnson speaking about this topic and he was saying that many people live day to day in the natural, counting only on the resources that they have available to them here and now in the natural. That is a very limited source. By counting on just what we have in natural resources, we are limiting what we are able to do and the impact we are able to have on our surroundings. When we count on the unseen, the unlimited resources of Heaven, we have a lot more to give away and here is the Good News. The supply is limitless. When we have an unlimited resource aren't we more likely to give what we have away, knowing what we give away is going to be replenished? If you had a $100 bill in your pocket and every time you gave it away it was replaced, wouldn't you continue to give it away? Sure you would. We need to count on the resources of Heaven and trust God to provide the things we need to accomplish the tasks he has set before us. We know that he never gives us more than we can handle, so we should also know that he provides the resources for us to complete the task.
We need to step out in faith and belief and keep our unbelief in check, so that we may begin to start believing for the impossible to become possible. Our faith is the only thing we need to make that happen. We need to take our minds out of the way, because when we try to figure things out we reduce the power and possibilities of God to what WE think can or cannot be. We cannot comprehend the unlimited power of God. Let us start believing for the miraculous to be an everyday occurrence. Let us start believing for the impossible to become possible. Let’s start making declarations for healing of what seems totally impossible and together let's watch as impossibilities bow to the name Jesus.
Nothing is impossible for Jesus. He made the lame walk. He made the blind to see. He healed the sick and raised the dead. So He can also create new parts for those who need them. He can heal any illness. He can do it all, but the only thing limiting what can be possible is our faith. Have the faith and make the declaration. Somebody has to believe for this, so why not let it be you and me.
Let us pray
Heavenly Father, You and you alone make the impossible become possible. It’s is our minds and limited comprehension that limit what can be done here today on this earth. Lord God we want to see your miracles become everyday occurrences. Help us father to walk in that level of faith. Help us to be bold enough to make the declarations that are necessary to bring about these miracles by our faith. You’ve already made the promises, now we just need to believe. Jesus did things that were impossible and proclaimed that “We would do greater things than these”. Help us God, to increase our faith exponentially, so that we can make the declarations and believe without question that you will invade that situation or circumstance and make it new and perfect.
In Jesus Name I Pray.
God Bless You All
“The Sharpshooter”
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