Circumstances and situations (the things that we struggle against) can change the landscapes of our lives. Sometimes it's for the better and sometimes it's for the worse. I have read and I have heard what Jesus said in John 10:10. “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance.” I have had to reflect on what that means so I could better understand it, because I don't know about you, but when things are really going wrong, that is all I understand at that moment and getting out of your own way can be very hard.
I have come to understand that when Jesus said this, he was not talking about what we perceive as abundantly. I believe that what Jesus was saying was, "If you acknowledge that I live inside of you (for I am in you, you are in me, and we are as one in God), you will know joy beyond your wildest dreams and imaginations." Stop listening to the voices that deceive and tell you that you "can't." Stop going after the dangling carrots and false promises of the world. It seems we are at times more focused on the pursuit of happiness than we are on simply enjoying everyday life. Look hard enough and you can find joy in every moment. For example I was recently in a store to purchase something and the employee at the store I was in greeted me with a wonderful smile, he had a true interest in what I was looking to purchase and had so much joy and warmth that an ordinary experience became and extraordinary one. Are we willing to do that for other people?
It's not easy to see the greater Truth in every moment. After all, we are human. Expect something wonderful today, and if there is hardship then look to God for the answers. One of the biggest mistakes that I believe we make all too often is in looking to the world for answers, especially when it comes to our self worth. That's a big setup for failure every time. Suddenly we are too fat, or too thin, too bald or too grey. We're not smart enough, rich enough, or we’re too smart or too rich. Our car is too big, or too small. It’s stuff that can make you crazy! Do you remember the phrase, “You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time?” How true that is! But, we can please one person all of the time: we can please ourselves, and be pleased with ourselves.
The only way out, is in. No one in the world knows you like you know yourself except for God. You know your indiscretions and your victories. So does God. Go inside, take a peek around, and be honest with yourself and God. Say things like, “God, I am feeling miserable about my tendency to be judgemental. Please help me to change!” Be willing to step into difficult situations and circumstances that will force that change, instead of living life in avoidance. Jesus Christ knew how he was going to die, and yet he didn't spend his life running from his destiny. He faced it head on, and gave a tremendous gift to the world.
Trusting God can be hard at times, but He’s far more than worth it, and so are you. Live a life that is in integrity with God’s love. Be compassionate and caring towards yourself, and stop throwing pity parties. Know with certainty that although you're maybe not where you’d like to be, you are where you need to be in order to grow. When and only God decides it is your time, you might possibly be able to enjoy some nice things like a vacation on some island beach in the sunshine or on a cruise ship and maybe not. Neither the island or the cruise ship will ever heal your wounds. Only God's love living inside of you and being expressed on the surface can free your spirit and heal your heart. Like I said before, the only way out, is in. Don’t compromise yourself and hide from the world. What the world wants from you is you.
Please pray this with me.
Father: Thank you for this message, for it brings our attention back to the place it should be, and that’s on improving ourselves and focusing on you. Lord God, help us to look within ourselves, into those deep places where we have hidden some things we didn’t want to deal with in the past. Help us God, to find those dark areas and clean them out. In doing this we become a little bit more whole. As we become more whole Lord, we become better equipped and able to help others. I pray that you will help us to always strive to improve our spiritual health so that we can be the light in the darkness that some people are living in daily.
In Jesus Name I Pray
God Bless You All

“The Sharpshooter”
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