Jesus cried out from the cross "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which translated means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
At the time of his biggest trial, even Jesus felt like the Father had abandoned him. Though this was only a feeling as the Father had not forsaken him, it must have been an extremely intense feeling of abandonment. Even through that feeling Jesus then said "Into your hands I commend my spirit". Jesus never lost faith in Father God. He knew that the Father had a bigger will for Him and he wanted the Father's will to be done not his own. How close to that way of thinking are we?
Often times our spirits cry out the same thing as we feel that feeling of abandonment. "Father, Father, why have you forsaken me". Many times we feel like God's presence is not with us. We begin to wonder if He's even hearing our cries for help. When we don't get an answer from God we often times blame Him for whatever we were going through, because he didn't fix our problem or speak to us. Whatever the problem or need was it certainly wasn't God's fault. It was of our own doing or our own fault. We fail to realize or accept the fact that we are sinners in a sin filled world. God is perfect; none of us are or can ever be. So the fact that we are in sin, no matter how big or little our sin is, is most likely the thing blocking us from feeling God's presence in our lives and being in the position to receive the things of God. It is not Him choosing not to communicate with us because he doesn't feel like it.?
When we repent for our sins, our Father is gracious to forgive us of our sins, but the question we each need to ask ourselves is, are we asking God for his forgiveness, or are we rationalizing with ourselves that what we are doing isn't really sin? Every one of us is a sinner and every one of us needs to repent for those sins. It would be best if we made this a daily practice to set time aside to seek the Lord, repent for our sins and pray for God's grace and forgiveness. We should do this before we pray for anything else or anyone else, because by repenting and cleansing our spirit of sin, we are in better communion with the Lord
I don't know how many people have ever stopped to ponder this, but it needs to be looked at. Why have we forsaken God? We often feel that he has forgotten or forsaken us, but we are the ones that want control of our own lives and we want God on our terms. He accepts us just as we are. It can't work like that. We should be so in love with Him and desperate for Him that we'd be willing to handcuff ourselves to Him, just so that we would never be separated from Him. We go to Him when we need something but very few of us ever spend time just talking to God, or just praising God. He is there just waiting for us to come to him, He will not makes us come to him, and he will not chase us down. God wants so badly for us to communicate with him as "Our Father". I know parents that have communication breakdowns with their children and the pain they go through is agonizing to watch. Imagine for a moment the pain that we cause God to feel when we only go to him when we need something from him.
He wants to be a part of our "everyday" lives. He has plans for each of our lives that were never intended to be kept secret. He wants very badly to tell us these things, but he can't share these things with us until we become mature enough spiritually to receive them. If you don't have a relationship with the Father, He could talk to you all day long and you wouldn't know his voice. The time is coming sooner than we realize when Jesus Christ is going to return to this earth for His people. It is essential that right now we stop and take a spiritual inventory of ourselves. If you've never had a relationship with Jesus or had one and let it go stagnant, you need to call on Jesus, repent for your sins, and ask Him to make your spirit white as snow. Then draw near to him and stay close. Watch how your life begins to change right before your eyes.
See unlike us, He is merciful, graceful and forgiving. If we ask for His forgiveness, he will do it. So it is not too late for any one of us to make things right with the Lord. He tells us this in Hebrews 13:5 “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” If anyone has forsaken anyone, we His children have forsaken Him. Let us not miss the opportunity we have to mend that relationship with Him or begin one if you never had one. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.
A Prayer
Father I thank you for this message and I give you praise for the wondrous things you do for us. Father I pray right now for the ones that don’t know you and for the ones that have known you and fallen away that you would strengthen them all so that they could battle through the negative forces of this world to find their way to you Father. Remove the scales from their eyes and open their ears Father so that they could see and hear you in their spirit. Build in them father a burning desire for you that could only be quenched by the living water of Jesus Christ.
I pray this in Jesus name.
God Bless You All

"The Sharpshooter"
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