The Lord brought something to my attention today that I felt really compelled to write about. I know that I can say from a personal standpoint and also that most everyone has felt this at one time or another for a brief time or a long time. You feel like you’ve been living in a fog, like you’ve been existing but not living. Everything good seems to be happening to someone else, nothing feels quite right, it seems like there is a darkness surrounding you that you just wish someone else could see so that they could help to pull you out of it.
This darkness is caused by deception, as well as things that we see, hear and feel that are not righteous. It’s a darkness that satan wants to bind you up in so that you lose your hope and give up on God. If he can accomplish this he wins the war over you that he fights every day. He waits literally like a snake in the grass just waiting ever so patiently to strike. The devil will use any means necessary to steal you from Your Victory and God’s promises. The devil could be compared to a sideshow worker at a carnival trying to sell you his show or his goods. Inside of this show tent though there isn’t a regular sideshow. Instead there are things that can tempt us such as pornography, drugs, alcohol, all in abundance free for the taking, because he knows that if you try it once you’ll be hooked and begging for more. You can be the most upstanding person on the planet but if you fall into that trap, you’re in the dark and at first it doesn’t feel so bad because so many other people are there with you, so you don’t recognize the darkness. However you’ve been tricked and temptation got you. Is it bad, oh yes it’s bad. Is it unforgivable? NO!
When we finally cry out to the Lord for “HELP”! He hears us just like a parent hears a child crying for help when they fall or get hurt. God does the same thing as any other good parent too; He picks us up, dusts us of and tells us to try again. We have an opportunity to start over just like a child would. What we do with our next opportunity is the most important decision we can make, but we often don’t take the time to think. We run on impulse and we end up falling again and again, so that we eventually need that device that goes around your neck to call for help. “Lord I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” That’s the point of desperation that we need to get to before we’ll actually look at the Lord’s help and not take it for granted. We’re more apt to be forever grateful. If someone saves you from falling off of the roof of a tall building, you’re very likely going to feel indebted to them for saving your life.
Jesus Christ not only pulled us in from the edge of the roof, He gave his life in the process so that we could live. He did not have to do this. He chose to do it because of his love for us. Hearing that needs to cause a physical reaction in all of us. Every time I hear what Jesus did for us or when I see the cross, my heart grieves over what He did for me. I can’t afford to take this gift for granted. I am drawn into repentance as I recall this act of love that exceeds anything you or I can comprehend. Just be thankful and love Him back. That’s all he wants is our love.
When we are steadfast (firm in purpose, resolution, faith) we resist the darkness and the devil will flee from us, taking with him the darkness and negativity. Leaving us to see and bask in the beauty that the Lord has surrounded us with. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (Amplified Bible) say’s, If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
Cry out to the Lord for help. Let him pull you from the darkness and into His light. He will restore your peace! He will restore your joy! He will restore the life that had been stolen from you. We have a major part in this though. We have to not only let Him fix us, we have to feel worthy of it and accept the blessing that he has given us.
A Prayer
Father I thank you for this message. I thank you for the opportunity to share it and possibly help some to see your light, from the darkness in their lives. Father I pray that each reader would have peace, health and love and have these things in your abundance God. I pray that each of us will keep our hearts soft and pliable so that we don’t let the darkness of this world, harden us to a point where we lose sight of you. Be with us all and guide our every thought and step.
In Jesus name I pray
God Bless You All.
“The Sharpshooter”
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